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Faculty career @ Emory University

34. A generalized theoretical framework to investigate multicomponent actin dynamics.
Nandi M., Shekhar S*. and Choubey S*.
33. Functional redundancy and formin-independent localization of tropomyosin isoforms in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Dhar A., Bagyashree VT, Biswas S., Kumari J., Sridhara A., Brahmendra J.S., Shekhar S., Palani S.
32. Twinfilin is a non-processive depolymerase which synergizes with formin to dramatically accelerate actin filament uncapping by 300-fold.
Reddy V., Arya A. and Shekhar S.
PNAS (In Press)
31. Actin filament pointed ends: assays for regulation of assembly and disassembly by tropomodulin and tropomyosin.
Yamashiro S.*, Shekhar S.*, Novak S.M., Biswas S., Gregorio C. C. and Fowler V. M.
Cytoskeleton (2025)
30. Regulation of actin dynamics by Twinfilin.
Ulrichs H. and Shekhar S.
Current Opinion in Cell Biology (2025)
29. The actin filament pointed-end depolymerase Srv2/CAP depolymerizes barbed ends, displaces capping protein and promotes formin processivity
Towsif E and Shekhar S.
PNAS (2025)
28. Single-pericyte nanomechanics measured by contraction cytometry.
Islam M.M., Gaska I., Oshinowo O., Otumala A., Shekhar S., Yong N. A., Myers D.R.
APL Bioengineering (2024)
26. Profilin affects microtubule dynamics via actin
Ulrichs H. and Shekhar S.
Journal of Cell Biology (2024)
25. Multicomponent depolymerization of actin filament pointed ends by cofilin and cyclase-associated protein depends upon filament age
Towsif E.M., Miller A.M., Ulrichs H. and Shekhar S.
European Journal of Cell Biology (2024)
24. Cooperative hydrodynamics accompany multicellular-like colonial organization in the unicellular ciliate Stentor
Shekhar S., Guo H., Sean P. Colin SP, Marshall W., Kanso E., Costello J.H.
Nature Physics (2024), In press
23. Mechanisms of actin disassembly and turnover
Goode B.L., Eskin J. and Shekhar S.
Journal of Cell Biology (2023)
22. Multicomponent regulation of actin barbed end assembly by twinfilin, formin and capping protein
Ulrichs H., Gaska I., Shekhar S.
Nature Communications (2023)
21. Pointed-end processive elongation of actin filaments by Vibrio effectors VopF and VopL
Kudryashova E., Ankita, Ulrichs H., Shekhar S., Kudryashov D.S.
Science Advances (2022)
20. Single-molecule imaging of IQGAP1 regulating actin filament dynamics in real time
Hoeprich G.H., Sinclair A.N., Shekhar S. and Goode B.L.
Molecular Biology of the Cell (2021)
19. Twinfilin1 controls lamellipodial protrusive activity and actin turnover during vertebrate gastrulation.
Devitt C.C, Lee C., Cox R.M., Papoulas O., Alvarado J., Shekhar S., Marcotte E.M., Wallingford J.B.
Journal of Cell Science (2021)
Postdoctoral and graduate research
18. Twinfilin bypasses assembly conditions and actin filament aging to drive barbed end depolymerization.
Shekhar S., Hoeprich G.H., Gelles J and Goode B.L.
Journal of Cell Biology (2020) [PDF]
17. Genetically-inspired in vitro reconstitution of S. cerevisiae actin cables from seven purified proteins.
Pollard L.W., Garabedian M.V., Alioto S.L., Shekhar S. and Goode B.L.
Molecular Biology of the Cell (2020) [PDF]
16. Synergy between Cyclase-associated protein and Cofilin accelerates actin filament depolymerization by two orders of magnitude.
Shekhar S, Chung J, Kondev J, Gelles J and Goode B. L.
Nature Communications (2019) [PDF]
15. Enhanced Depolymerization of Actin Filaments by ADF/Cofilin and Monomer Funneling by Capping Protein Cooperate to Accelerate Barbed-End Growth.
Shekhar S. and Carlier M-F.
Current Biology (2017) [PDF]
14. Global treadmilling coordinates actin turnover and controls the size of actin networks.
Carlier M-F. and Shekhar S.
Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology (2017) [PDF]
13. Microfluidics-Assisted TIRF Imaging to Study Single Actin Filament Dynamics.
Shekhar S.
Current Protocols in Cell Biology (2017) [PDF]
12. Intracellular manipulation of phagosomes using magnetic tweezers.
Shekhar S., Subramaniam V., & Kanger J.S.
Methods in Molecular Biology (2017) [PDF]
11. Profilin interaction with actin filament barbed end controls dynamic instability, capping, branching and motility.
Pernier J.*, Shekhar S*., Jegou A, Guichard B., Carlier M-F.
Developmental Cell (2016) [PDF]
10. Barbed‑end regulators at a Glance.
Shekhar S., Pernier J. and Carlier M-F.
Journal of Cell Science (2016) [PDF]
9. Kinetic studies provide key insights into regulation of actin-based motility.
Shekhar S. and Carlier M-F.
Molecular Biology of the Cell (2016) [PDF]
8. Formin and Capping Protein together embrace the actin filament in a “ménage à trois”
Shekhar S., Kerleau M, Kuhn S., Pernier J., Romet-Lemonne G., Jegou A., Carlier M.-F.
Nature Communications (2015) [PDF]
7. Control of polarized assembly of actin filaments in cell motility.
Carlier M.-F., Pernier J., Montaville P., Shekhar S., Kühn S.
Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences (2015) [PDF]
6. Quantitative biology: where modern biology meets physical sciences.
Shekhar S., Zhu L., Mazutis L., Sgro A.E., Fai T.G., Podolski M.
Molecular Biology of the Cell (2014) [PDF]
4. Interplay between myosin IIA-mediated contractility and actin network integrity orchestrates podosome composition and oscillations.
Van den Dries K., Meddens M., de Keijzer S., Shekhar S., Subramaniam V., Figdor C.G. and Cambi A.
Nature Communications (2013) [PDF]
3. A method for spatially resolved local intracellular mechanochemical sensing and organelle manipulation.
Shekhar S., Figdor C.G., Cambi A., Subramaniam V., & Kanger J.S.
Biophysical Journal (2012) [PDF]
2. Spatially resolved local intracellular chemical sensing using magnetic particles.
Shekhar S., Klaver A., Figdor C.G., Subramaniam V., & Kanger J.S.
Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical (2013) [PDF]
1. Actin-based propulsion of functionalized hard versus fluid spherical objects.
Delatour V., Shekhar S., Reymann A-C., Didry D., Lê K.H.D, Romet-Lemonne G., Helfer E., Carlier M-F.
New Journal of Physics (2008) [PDF]

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